
For publication and links after 2017, go to or Prof. Westmoreland’s ORCID profile.

For publications prior to 1986 and for presentations, see ‘CV_Full_2019_0630.


Ternes, M. E., & Westmoreland, P. Chemical Engineering Progress 113:7, 16.  (2017). The ChE in Context: Members Will Shape AIChE’s Climate Change Policy.

Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical Engineering Progress 113:4, 26.  (2017). The ChE in Context: PAIC, The ChE’s Voice in and about Government.

Needham, C. D., & Westmoreland, P. R. Combustion and Flame 184, 176-185. (2017). Combustion and Flammability Chemistry for the Refrigerant HFO-1234yf (2,3,3,3-tetrafluroropropene).

Al-Nu’airat, J., Altarawneh, M., Gao, X., Westmoreland, P. R., & Dlugogorski, B. Z. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory. 121 (2017) 3199−3206. Reaction of Aniline with Singlet Oxygen (O21Δg).

Oluwoye⁠⁠, I., Dlugogorski⁠, ⁠B. Z., Gore⁠, J., Westmoreland⁠, P. R., & Altarawneh⁠, M. Fire Safety Journal 91 235-242. (2017). Enhanced ignition of biomass surrogate in presence of NO⁠x.

Siddique, K., Altarawneh, M., Gore, J., Westmoreland, P. R., & Dlugogorski, B. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory 121:11, 2221-2231. (2017). Hydrogen Abstraction from Hydrocarbons by NH2.

Rodriguez, A., Herbinet, O., Wang, Z., Qi, F., Fittschen, C., Westmoreland, P. R., & Battin-Leclerc, F. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36, 333-342 (2017). Measuring hydroperoxide chain-branching agents during n-pentane low-temperature oxidation.


Seshadri, V., & Westmoreland, P. R. Catalysis Today. (2016). Roles of hydroxyls in the noncatalytic and catalyzed formation of levoglucosan from glucose.
Westmoreland, P. R., & Fahey, P. J. Chemical Engineering Transactions. (2016). Dehydration and dehydrogenation kinetics of OH groups in biomass pyrolysis.


Yeates, D. R., Li, W., Westmoreland, P. R., Speight, W., Russi, T., Packard, A., & Frenklach, M. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2015). Integrated data-model analysis facilitated by an instrumental model.


Labbe, N. J., Seshadri, V., Kasper, T., Hansen, N., Osswald, P., & Westmoreland, P. R. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2013). Flame chemistry of tetrahydropyran as a model heteroatomic biofuel.
Li, S. J., Davidson, D. F., Hanson, R. K., Labbe, N. J., Westmoreland, P. R., Osswald, P., & Kohse-Hoinghaus, K. Combustion and Flame. (2013). Shock tube measurements and model development for morpholine pyrolysis and oxidation at high pressures.
Cao, J., Meador, M. A., Baba, M. L., Ferreira, P. M., Madou, M., Scacchi, W., Spohrer, J. C., Teague, C., Westmoreland, P., & Zhang, X. Science Policy Reports. (2013). Implications: Societal collective outcomes, including manufacturing.


Hansen, N., Miller, J. A., Klippenstein, S. J., Westmoreland, P. R., & Kohse-Hoinghaus, K. Combustion Explosion and Shock Waves. (2012). Exploring formation pathways of aromatic compounds in laboratory-based model flames of aliphatic fuels.
Seshadri, V., & Westmoreland, P. R. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory. (2012). Concerted reactions and mechanism of glucose pyrolysis and implications for cellulose kinetics.


Hansen, N., Kasper, T., Yang, B., Cool, T. A., Li, W., Westmoreland, P. R., Osswald, P., & Kohse-Hoinghaus, K. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2011). Fuel-structure dependence of benzene formation processes in premixed flames fueled by C6H12 isomers.
Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E., Kohse-Hoinghaus, K., & Westmoreland, P. R. Combustion and Flame. (2011). Kinetic modeling study of ethanol and dimethyl ether addition to premixed low-pressure propene-oxygen-argon flames.
Lucassen, A., Labbe, N., Westmoreland, P. R., & Kohse-Hoinghaus, K. Combustion and Flame. (2011). Combustion chemistry and fuel-nitrogen conversion in a laminar premixed flame of morpholine as a model biofuel.
Li, W. J., Law, M. E., Westmoreland, P. R., Kasper, T., Hansen, N., & Kohse-Hoinghaus, K. Combustion and Flame. (2011). Multiple benzene-formation paths in a fuel-rich cyclohexane flame.
Kasper, T., Lucassen, A., Jasper, A. W., Li, W. J., Westmoreland, P. R., Kohse-Hoinghaus, K., Yang, B., Wang, J., Cool, T. A., & Hansen, N. Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie-International Journal of Research in Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics. (2011). Identification of tetrahydrofuran reaction pathways in premixed flames.
Smith, K. D., Bruns, M., Stoliarov, S. I., Nyden, M. R., Ezekoye, O. A., & Westmoreland, P. R. Polymer. (2011). Assessing the effect of molecular weight on the kinetics of backbone scission reactions in polyethylene using Reactive Molecular Dynamics..
Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E., Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., & Westmoreland, P. R. Combustion and Flame. (2011). Kinetic modeling study of ethanol and dimethyl ether addition to premixed low-pressure propene-oxygen-argon flames..
Hansen, N., Kasper, T., Yang, B., Cool, T.A., Li, W., Westmoreland, P.R., Osswald, P., & Kohse-Hoinghaus, K. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2011). Fuel-structure dependence of benzene formation processes in premixed flames fueled by C6H12 isomers..


Kohse-Hoinghaus, K., Osswald, P., Cool, T. A., Kasper, T., Hansen, N., Qi, F., Westbrook, C. K., & Westmoreland, P. R. Angewandte Chemie [International Edition in English]. (2010). Biofuel combustion chemistry: From ethanol to biodiesel.
Hansen, N., Li, W., Law, M. E., Kasper, T., Westmoreland, P. R., Yang, B., Cool, T. A., & Lucassen, A. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. (2010). The importance of fuel dissociation and propargyl plus allyl association for the formation of benzene in a fuel-rich 1-hexene flame.
Hansen, N., Li, W., Law, M. E., Kasper, T., Westmoreland, P. R., Yang, B., Cool, T. A., & Lucassen, A. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. (2010). The importance of fuel dissociation and propargyl + allyl association for the formation of benzene in a fuel-rich 1-hexene flame.
Mosurkal, R., Tucci, V., Smith, K., Westmoreland, P.R., Parmar, V.S., Kumar, J., & Watterson, A. (2010). Novel organo-siloxane copolymers for flame retardant applications.


Hansen, N., Miller, J. A., Westmoreland, P. R., Kasper, T., Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., Wang, J., & Cool, T. A. Combustion and Flame. (2009). Isomer-specific combustion chemistry in allene and propyne flames.
Kasper, T., Osswald, P., Struckmeier, U., Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., Taatjes, C. A., Wang, J., Cool, T. A., Law, M. E., Morel, A., & Westmoreland, P. R. Combustion and Flame. (2009). Combustion chemistry of the propanol isomers – investigated by electron ionization and VUV-photoionization molecular-beam mass spectrometry.
Huynh, L. K., Zhang, H. R., Zhang, S., Eddings, E., Sarofim, A., Law, M. E., Westmoreland, P. R., & Truong, T. N Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory. (2009). Kinetics of enol formation from reaction of OH with propene.
Wang, J., Chaos, M., Yang, B., Cool, T. A., Dryer, F. L., Kasper, T., Hansen, N., Osswald, P., Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., & Westmoreland, P. R. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. (2009). Composition of reaction intermediates for stoichiometric and fuel-rich dimethyl ether flames: Flame-sampling mass spectrometry and modeling studies..
Hansen, N., Cool, T. A., Westmoreland, P. R., & Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. (2009). Recent contributions of flame-sampling molecular-beam mass spectrometry to a fundamental understanding of combustion chemistry.
Lin, Y.-C., Cho, J., Tompsett, G. A., Westmoreland, P. R., Huber, G. W. Journal of Physical Chemistry. C. (2009). Kinetics and mechanism of cellulose pyrolysis.
Westbrook, C. K., Pitz, W. J., Westmoreland, P. R., Dryer, F. L., Chaos, M., Osswald, P., Kohse-Hoinghaus, K., Cool, T. A., Wang, J., Yang, B., Hansen, N., & Kasper, T. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2009). A detailed chemical kinetic reaction mechanism for oxidation of four small alkyl esters in laminar premixed flames.
Hansen, N., Miller, J. A., Kasper, T., Kohse-Hoinghaus, K., Westmoreland, P. R., Wang, J., & Cool, T. A. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2009). Benzene formation in premixed fuel-rich 1,3-butadiene flames.
Lucassen, A., Osswald, P., Struckmeier, U., Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., Kasper, T., Hansen, N., Cool, T. A., & Westmoreland, P. R. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2009). Species identification in a laminar premixed low-pressure flame of morpholine as a model substance for oxygenated nitrogen-containing fuels.
Westmoreland, Phillip R. Combustion and Flame. (2009). Professor Jack Benny Howard (1937?2008), Massachusetts Institute of Technolog.


Wang, J., Struckmeier, U., Yang, B., Cool, T. A., Osswald, P., Kohse-Hoinghaus, K., Kasper, T., Hansen, N., & Westmoreland, P. R. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory. (2008). Isomer-specific influences on the composition of reaction intermediates in dimethyl ether/propene and ethanol/propene flame.
Ranganathan, T., Beaulieu, M., Zilberman, J., Smith, K. D., Westmoreland, P. R., Farris, R. J., Coughlin, E. B., & Emrick, T. Polymer Degradation and Stability. (2008). Thermal degradation of deoxybenzoin polymers studied by pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.
Taatjes, C. A., Hansen, N., Osborn, D. L., Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., Cool, T. A., & Westmoreland, P. R. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. (2008). “Imaging” combustion chemistry via multiplexed synchrotron-photoionization mass spectrometry.
Hansen, N., Klippenstein, S. J., Westmoreland, P. R., Kasper, T., Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., Wang, J., & Cool, T. A Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. (2008). A combined ab initio and photoionization mass spectrometric study of polyynes in fuel-rich flames.
Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical Engineering Progress . (2008). Chemical engineering in the next 25 years.
Pandey, M. K., Chandekar, A., Tyagi, R., Parmar, V. S., Tucci, V. B., Smith, K. D., Westmoreland, P. R., Mosurkal, R., Kumar, J., & Watterson, A. C. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry. (2008). Design and lipase catalyzed synthesis of 4-methylcoumarin-siloxane hybrid copolymers.
Mosurkal, R., Samuelson, L. A., Smith, K. D., Westmoreland, P. R., Parmar, V. S., Yan, F., Kumar, J., & Watterson, A. C. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry. (2008). Nanocomposites of TiO2 and siloxane copolymers as environmentally safe flame-retardant materials.


Osswald, P., Struckmeier, U., Kasper, T., Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., Wang, J., Cool, T. A., Hansen, N., & Westmoreland, P. R. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory. (2007). Isomer-specific fuel destruction pathways in rich flames of methyl acetate and ethyl formate and consequences for the combustion chemistry of esters.
Hansen, N., Kasper, T., Klippenstein, S. J., Westmoreland, P. R., Law, M. E., Taatjes, C. A., Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., Wang, J., & Cool, T. A. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory. (2007). Initial steps of aromatic ring formation in a laminar premixed fuel-rich cyclopentene flame..
Smith, K. D., Stoliarov, S. I., Nyden, M. R., & Westmoreland, P. R. Molecular Simulation. (2007). RMDff: A smoothly transitioning, forcefield-based representation of kinetics for reactive molecular dynamics simulations.
Law, M. E., Westmoreland, P. R., Cool, T. A., Wang, J., Hansen, N., Taatjes, C. A., & Kasper, T. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2007). Benzene precursors and formation routes in a stoichiometric cyclohexane flame..
Cool, T. A., Wang, J., Hansen, N., Westmoreland, P. R., Dryer, F. L., Zhao, Z., Kazakov, A., Kasper, T., & Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2007). Photoionization mass spectrometry and modeling studies of the chemistry of fuel-rich dimethyl ether flames.
Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., Osswald, P., Struckmeier, U., Kasper, T., Hansen, N., Taatjes, C. A., Wang, J., Cool, T. A., Gon, S., & Westmoreland, P. R. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2007). The influence of ethanol addition on premixed fuel-rich propene-oxygen-argon flames..
Hansen, N., Miller, J. A., Taatjes, C. A., Wang, J., Cool, T. A., Law, M. E., & Westmoreland, P. R. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2007). Photoionization mass spectrometric studies and modeling of fuel-rich allene and propyne flames..


Hansen, N., Klippenstein, S. J., Miller, J. A., Wang, J., Cool, T. A., Law, M. E., Westmoreland, P. R., Kasper, T., & Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory. (2006). Identification of C5Hx isomers in fuel-rich flames by photoionization mass spectrometry and electronic structure calculation.
Hansen, N., Klippenstein, S. J., Taatjes, C. A., Miller, J. A., Wang, J., Cool, T. A., Yang, B., Yang, R., Wei, L., Huang, C., Wang, J., Qi, F., Law, M. E., & Westmoreland, P. R. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory. (2006). Identification and chemistry of C4H3 and C4H5 isomers in fuel-rich flames.
Taatjes, C. A., Hansen, N., Miller, J. A., Cool, T. A., Wang, J., Westmoreland, P. R., Law, M. E., Kasper, T., & Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory. (2006). Combustion chemistry of enols: Possible ethenol precursors in flames.
Stoliarov, S. I., Westmoreland, P. R., Zhang, H., Lyon, R. E., & Nyden, M. R. ACS Symposium Series. (2006). Molecular modeling of the thermal decomposition of polymers.


Cool, T. A., McIlroy, A., Qi, F., Westmoreland, P. R., Poisson, L., Peterka, D. S., & Ahmed, M. Review of Scientific Instruments. (2005). Photoionization mass spectrometer for studies of flame chemistry with a synchrotron light source.
Taatjes, C. A., Hansen, N., McIlroy, A., Miller, J. A., Senosiain, J. P., Klippenstein, S. J., Qi, F., Sheng, L., Zhang, Y., Cool, T. A., Wang, J., Westmoreland, P. R., Law, M. E., Kasper, T., & Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K Science. (2005). Enols Are Common Intermediates in Hydrocarbon Oxidation.
Ruscic, B., Boggs, J. E., Burcat, A., Csaszar, A. G., Demaison, J., Janoschek, R., Martin, J. M. L., Morton, M. L., Rossi, M. J., Stanton, J. F., Szalay, P. G., Westmoreland, P. R., Zabel, F., & Berces, T. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data. (2005). IUPAC critical evaluation of thermochemical properties of selected radicals. Part I.
Taatjes, C. A., Klippenstein, S. J., Hansen, N., Miller, J. A., Cool, T. A., Wang, J., Law, M. E., & Westmoreland, P. R. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. (2005). Synchrotron photoionization measurements of combustion intermediates: Photoionization efficiency and identification of C3H2 isomers.
Cool, T. A., Nakajima, K., Taatjes, C. A., McIlroy, A., Westmoreland, P. R., Law, M. E., & Morel, A. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2005). Studies of a fuel-rich propane flame with photoionization mass spectrometry.
Law, M. E., Carriere, T., & Westmoreland, P. R. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2005). Allene addition to a fuel-lean ethylene flat flame.
Law, M. E., Westmoreland, P. R., Cool, T. A., Wang, J., Hansen, N., Taatjes, C. A., & Kasper, T. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (2005). Insights into a premixed stoichiometric cyclohexane flame.
Westmoreland, P. R., Law, M. E., Gon, S., Cool, T. A., Wang, J., McIlroy, A., Taatjes, C. A., Hansen, N., Qi, F., Kasper, T., Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., Ahmed, M., Peterka, D. S., & Poisson, L. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (2005). Recent advances in flame-sampling molecular-beam mass spectrometry.
Law, M. E., Gon, S., Westmoreland, P. R., Cool, T. A., Wang, J., Hansen, N., & Taatjes, C. A. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (2005). 1,5-Hexadiyne and fulvene presence in premixed allene and propyne flames.
Gon, S., Law, M. E., Westmoreland, P. R., Cool, T. A., Wang, J., Hansen, N., Taatjes, C. A., Kasper, T., & Obwald, P. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (2005). Identification of species and separation of isomers in a premixed fuel-rich cyclohexane flame.


Kumar, R., Tyagi, R., Parmar, V. S., Samuelson, L. A., Kumar, J., Schoemann, A., Westmoreland, P. R., & Watterson, A. C. Advanced Materials. (2004). Biocatalytic synthesis of highly flame retardant inorganic-organic hybrid polymers.
Nyden, M. R., Stoliarov, S. I., Westmoreland, P. R., Guo, Z. X., & Jee, C. Materials Science & Engineering. A, Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. (2004). Applications of reactive molecular dynamics to the study of the thermal decomposition of polymers and nanoscale structures.


Malone, M. F., Westmoreland, P. R., & Doherty, M. F. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. (2003). In Honor of James M. Douglas.
Cool, T. A., Nakajima, K., Mostefaoui, T. A., Qi, F., McIlroy, A., Westmoreland, P. R., Law, M. E., Poisson, L., Peterka, D.S., & Ahmed, M. Journal of Chemical Physics. (2003). Selective detection of isomers with photoionization mass spectrometry for studies of hydrocarbon flame chemistry.
Stoliarov, S. I., & Westmoreland, P. R. Polymer. (2003). Mechanism of the thermal decomposition of bisphenol C polycarbonate: nature of its fire resistance.
Zhang, H., Farris, R. J., & Westmoreland, P. R. Macromolecules. (2003). Low flammability and thermal decomposition behavior of poly(3,3”-dihydroxybiphenylisophthalamide) and its derivatives.
Morel, A., Law, M. E., Westmoreland, P. R., Cool, T. A., Nakajima, K., Mostefaoui, T. A., Qi, F., McIlroy, A., Poisson, L., & Peterka, D. S. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (2003). Selective detection of isomers using a new photoionization MBMS apparatus.
Law, M. E., Morel, A., Westmoreland, P. R., Cool, T. A., & Taatjes, C. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (2003). Selective detection of C3H4 and C6H6 isomers in flames.
Schoemann, A., Westmoreland, P. R., Farris, R. J., Kumar, R., Watterson, A. C., & Samuelson, L. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (2003). New fire-safe polysiloxane polymers.
Westmoreland, P. R., Zhang, H., Schoemann, A., Inguilizian, T., & Farris, R. J. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (2003). Developing fire-safe polymers using milligram-scale test methods.


Zhang, H., Westmoreland, P. R., Farris, R. J., Coughlin, E. B., Plichta, A., & Brzozowski, Z. K. Polymer. (2002). Thermal decomposition and flammability of fire-resistant, UV/visible-sensitive polyarylates, copolymers and blend.
Stoliarov, S. I., Westmoreland, P. R., Nyden, M. R., & Forney, G. P. Polymer. (2002). A reactive molecular dynamics model of thermal decomposition in polymers: I. Poly(methyl methacrylate).


Westmoreland, P. R., Inguilizian, T., & Rotem, K. Thermochimica Acta. (2001). Flammability kinetics from TGA/DSC/GCMS, microcalorimetry and computational quantum chemistry.
Law, M. E., Carriere, T., & Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (2001). New insights into fuel-lean ethylene flames.


Bhargava, A., & Westmoreland, P. R. Combustion and Flame. (1998). MBMS analysis of a fuel-lean ethylene flame.
Linteris, G. T., Burgess, D. R., Jr., Babushok, V., Zachariah, M., Tsang, W., & Westmoreland, P. R. Combustion and Flame. (1998). Inhibition of premixed methane-air flames by fluoroethanes and fluoropropanes.
Bhargava, A., & Westmoreland, P. R. Combustion and Flame. (1998). Measured flame structure and kinetics in a fuel-rich ethylene flame.


Bui, P.-A., Vlachos, D. G., & Westmoreland, P. R. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. (1997). Modeling ignition of catalytic reactors with detailed surface kinetics and transport: oxidation of H2/air mixtures over platinum surfaces.
Bui, P.-A., Vlachos, D. G., & Westmoreland, P. R. Surface Science. (1997). Catalytic ignition of methane/oxygen mixtures over platinum surfaces: comparison of detailed simulations and experiments.
Bui, P. A., Wilder, E. A., Vlachos, D. G., & Westmoreland, P. R. Combustion Science and Technology. (1997). Hierarchical reduced models for catalytic combustion. H2/air mixtures near platinum surfaces.
Bui, P.-A., Vlachos, D. G., & Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1997). Self-sustained oscillations in distributed flames modeled with detailed chemistry.
Bhargava, A., & Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1997). C2H4 + H and C2H4 + OH chemistry measured in laminar, premixed flat flames.


Burgess, D. R., Jr., Zachariah, M. R., Tsang, W., & Westmoreland, P. R. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. (1996). Thermochemical and chemical kinetic data for fluorinated hydrocarbons.
Zachariah, M. R., Westmoreland, P. R., Burgess, D. R. F., Jr., Tsang, W., & Melius, C. F. Journal of Physical Chemistry (Easton, Pa.). (1996). BAC-MP4 Predictions of thermochemical data for C1 and C2 stable and radical hydrofluorocarbons and oxidized hydrofluorocarbons.
Bhargava, A., & Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1996). MBMS analysis of a fuel-lean ethylene flame.
Oulundsen, G. E., & Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1996). Initial measurements from reacting flows of hydrocarbons with chlorine.


Westmoreland, P. R., & Cox, K. R. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. (1995). Symposium on computational chemistry and its industrial applications.
Zachariah, M. R., Tsang, W., Westmoreland, P. R., & Burgess, D. R. F., Jr. Journal of Physical Chemistry (Easton, Pa.). (1995). Theoretical prediction of the thermochemistry and kinetics of reactions of CF2O with hydrogen atom and water.
Bui, P. A., Vlachos, D. G., & Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1995). Inhibition of homogeneous ignition by a catalytic surface.
Tanoff, M. A., Dobbins, R. R., Smooke, M. D., Burgess, D. R. F. Jr., Zachariah, M. R., Tsang, W., & Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1995). C1 Fluoro- and hydrofluorocarbon effects on the extinction characteristics of methane vs. air counterflow diffusion flames.
Peterson, J. W., & Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1995). Time-dependent solutions of the master equation for chemically activated reactions..


Westmoreland, P. R. AIChE Journal. (1994). Reduced Kinetic Mechanisms for applications in combustion systems by N. Peters and B. Rogg.
Westmoreland, P. R., & Hennessey, D. J. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1994). On the kinetics of vinyl + O2.


Westmoreland, P. R. Combustion Science and Technology. (1992). Thermochemistry and kinetics of vinyl + oxygen reactions.


Communal, F., & Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1990). Predicted kinetics for silylene + oxygen: association with multiple isomerization.


Westmoreland, P. R., Dean, A. M., Howard, J. B., & Longwell, J. P. Journal of Physical Chemistry (Easton, Pa.). (1989). Forming benzene in flames by chemically activated isomerization.
Thomas, S. D., & Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1989). Testing predictions of C2-4 species in a fuel-rich acetylene flame.
Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1989). On the kinetics and thermodynamics of C4H5 isomers.


Garo, A., Westmoreland, P. R., Howard, J. B., & Longwell, J. P. Combustion and Flame. (1988). Analysis of fuel-lean combustion using chemical mechanisms.
Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1988). The importance of obvious and disguised association reactions in combustion.


Dean, A. M., & Westmoreland, P. R. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics. (1987). Bimolecular QRRK analysis of methyl radical reactions.


Westmoreland, P. R., Howard, J. B., Longwell, J. P., & Dean, A. M. AIChE Journal. (1986). Prediction of rate constants for combustion and pyrolysis reactions by bimolecular QRRK.